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The Reiki Principles:

"Just for today do not worry; Just for today do not anger; Honour you parents, teachers and elders; Earn your living honestly; Show gratitude to every living thing."


I combine traditional Usui Reiki and Sekhem with a form of spiritual, non-intrusive, hands on healing which has the effect of performing a gentle but extremely powerful and painless kind of psychic surgery, followed by an replenishing and revitalising recharge.  This process works on both the etheric and physical bodies simultaneously.  The energy I channel heals and removes energetic blocks to enable the body and entitre being to restore and repair itself on every level.


This form of healing can be effective in releasing stress and pent up emotions which can lead to illness and also rebalances the energy of the chakras easing physical ailments and increasing awareness, creativity and mental functionality.  It is also very soothing if suffer from any aches and pains, back problems, joint problems etc.


What reiki can do for you really depends on you: you can come for a session with any form of ailment or even if you just fancy giving it a go in order to attain some 'chill' time as it is the perfect way to relax and unwind.  The energy I chanel will go where it is needed and will do the work for you without you having to think about it - I am merely a tool, a conduit for the healing energy.  As an intuitive healer, I can usually gauge where potential problem areas are just from scanning your body and communicating with you so if you do not think you have a specific reason for coming for healing, it can still be beneficial as many conditions do not manifest in the physical body for some time, they linger in the energetic field, building until they become physical complaints which you would then begin to notice.  The great benefit of reiki is that it can prevent dis-ease before it occurs.  Essentially, the healing energy is drawn through me by your own body - it knows what it needs and will send the energy where it needs to go.


Everyone who comes to reiki has a different experience, unique to themselves and the best way to find out more about this very beautiful form of healing is to come and try it.

2014 Hanami Healing

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